Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Day 8 (07/16) - Ft. Nelson to Liard River Hot Spring

A Bird Named “Old Dog”

This is my first full day driving on Alaska Highway. The winding steep road can no longer surprise me since I have driven thousand miles of other Canadian highways to get here. Mountains and lakes were still stunningly beautiful but what impressed me most today was the numerous wildlife sightings on the roadside or, occasionally, in the middle of the road. Travelers from both directions stopped or stepped out of their cars to take pictures while animals took time to eat, stroll or lay down to rest. They did not seem to be threatened by people watching them from a near distance. I could hear joyful sighs of fellow travelers when caribou, moose or goat raised their heads and looked directly to the camera. They all looked content in the wilderness where they would happily call home.

I cannot imagine these wild animals were placed in a circus environment and trained to behave against their born nature for entertainment. It would be equally absurd and cruel if someone set out to train a bird to waggle tail like a dog, then, call it an “old dog” when the effort fails. I heard how they train show animals. It is beyond cruelty and is definitely in violation of creator’s intention.

Run Baby Run!!

At Ft. Nelson ...

Ft. Nelson's Bi-centennial Emblem near visitor center

From Ft. Nelson driving pass the edge of Northern Rocky Mountains Park on Alaska Highway is 200 miles breathtaking scenery stretch of highway.

Cannot stop taking pictures ...

There is a different stunning scene on every turn of the road.

No human words can adequately describe the beauty that only the nature can offer.

Cariboo on the roadside, this is their country too.

Mooses are roaming ...

Beautiful Muncho Lake - miles of scenery drive along the blue lake shore.

In front of Muncho Lake - wonder when is the next time I will see this beauty again

Warning sign of buffalo crossing posted in front
of a distant mountain.

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