My Angel Friends
I went to say goodbye to Thelma before leaving the campground this morning. I also asked her for her contact information so I can write her a thank-you note when I complete the trip in August. Thelma and her grandson, Joe, stayed in the campsite next to mine. It was unusually cold last night for the July weather. She built a campfire and invited me over. This might be a simple gesture to her but it warmed my heart as well as my body. Thelma lives near Dawson Creek, the beginning city of Alaska Highway, where I am heading. She is traveling the opposite direction taking Joe back to Vancouver to his mom.
She was my angle of the day.
I might be driving alone on the road but I knew I could not complete this trip on my own. There were people who made this trip possible and pleasant for me; those who showed their kindness to me along the way and those who provided services to me at gas stations, restaurants, campgrounds, visitor centers and elsewhere. They were my angle friends and I knew I would constantly remind myself throughout the trip to treat them with respect and kindness.
Stay at Cache Creek's Brookside Campsite last night.
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