Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Day 12 (07/20) - Cottonwood RV Park, Kluane Lake


Cottonwood RV Park is a nice water front campground. It is such a nice day today. After strolling the lake shore in the morning, I decided to spend one more day here to catch up my journal writing on their spa deck overlooking the serene Kluane Lake. Writing journal has become a joyful routine for me. This is my second chance to re-experience daily activities in detail on my own speed.

The weather began to change late in the afternoon. Dark cloud closed in and the gentle breeze turned into gusty wind. I knew it was going to rain. I quickly moved my workplace back into my car and sat on the back-seat-converted bed. Working from my car, I still had a great view looking into the lake through the rear window.

Suddenly, I noticed a spectrum of rainbow arching out from the center of the Lake. It looked so colorful and lively unlike any other rainbows at the distant sky. This one appeared so vivid and close. Looking through the raindrops scattered window, I could not tell it was real or was only an illusion. I grabbed my camera jumped out my car and stood in the light rain hoping my camera would capture the scene. As I was adjusting the focus for a better view, the rainbow started fading. Standing there a while, I had my camera pointed to the lake center ready to take shots, thinking if I stood there long enough it would reappear. But it never did.

I have seen many rainbows in the past; this is the most beautiful one. Yet, I could not capture it. I was disappointed. Well, maybe I should not; perhaps this one was not meant to be captured by the camera but to be imprinted in my heart.

Rainbows always fascinate me. They are more than a colorful residue after a rainfall. The joy of looking at the rainbow is beyond senses. In Genesis, it was a reminder of the everlasting covenant between God and His creations. It symbolizes that God is at peace with all living creatures of every kind.


It is so beautiful here I stayed in Cottonwood RV Park last night. And decide to stay here one more day taking time to enjoy Kluane Lake views.

Fireweed by the lake

A photo shot from my campsite right in front the lake.

It is a beautiful day too.

Take a picture of the clear lake water.

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