Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Day 10 (07/18) - Cont Divide to Whitehorse YT

Create What I Need From What I Have, Wisely

A few months before starting this trip I often “dry run” the journey in my head. With the information I collected, I imagined how the trip would take place and how I would feel on the road. I imagined the possible problems I might encounter and tried to come up with possible solutions. Driving alone was not my first choice but I determined to turn it to my advantage.

While traveling, there are unexpected situations that required immediate solutions. With limited resources, I found it is challenging and interesting to create what I need from what I already have, wisely. I know at the end of this journey I will have better surviving skills that I would not otherwise learn from my comfortable modern living.

Leave Continental Divide Campground where I stayed last night.

Beautiful fireweed - the frist sign of life after forest fire

Lake front lodge of Dawson Peak Resort

Turnout near Teslin

Teslin River Bridge at a distance

Have a terrific late lunch at Mukluk Annie's. A family run friendly restaurant offers good and reasonable price food.

A "Rib and Salmon" dinner enough to feed three

Close up of the delicious meal - I will take out leftover for tomorrow

Head to Whitehorse after lunch

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